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Stworzony: 26 sie 2022

Zaktualizowany: 18 mar 2025

Identyfikator: 272306

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Rowery - Sklep rowerowy Motyw WordPress WooCommerce - Obraz funkcji 1Rowery - Sklep rowerowy Motyw WordPress WooCommerce - Obraz funkcji 2Rowery - Sklep rowerowy Motyw WordPress WooCommerce - Obraz funkcji 3Rowery - Sklep rowerowy Motyw WordPress WooCommerce - Obraz funkcji 4Rowery - Sklep rowerowy Motyw WordPress WooCommerce - Obraz funkcji 5

Jeśli chcesz zostać wiodącym sprzedawcą rowerów w branży rowerowej, jesteś we właściwym miejscu.

Natychmiast rozpoczniesz sprzedaż dzięki temu ogromnemu motywowi e-commerce, który przygotowaliśmy dla tych, którzy chcą sprzedawać rowery przez Internet.

Dzięki strategicznej strukturze seo, którą stosujemy w zakresie gęstości kodu, pozostawisz swoich konkurentów w tyle.

Będziesz mieć profesjonalną i kreatywną witrynę e-commerce, która jest całkowicie nieskomplikowana.

Będziesz mieć zgrabny układ z zaawansowanym interfejsem suwaka, strukturą karuzeli, strukturą prezentacji kategorii i efektami 3D.

Będziesz mógł dokonać kreatywnego dostosowania dzięki 250 specjalnym zestawom ikon odpowiednim dla struktury korporacyjnej, 60 specjalnym czcionkom internetowym i 80 unikalnym efektom internetowym.

Dla tych, którzy chcą rozbudować swój sklep rowerowy

Będziesz mieć witrynę e-commerce pod klucz.

Nie trać czasu na tworzenie unikalnego środowiska internetowego dzięki naszemu motywowi WordPress Bikes WooCommerce!

Lista zmian

1.0.8 Critical Update: Our theme has been updated to include Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) version 6.3.12. This release addresses potential security vulnerabilities to keep your site safe, and offers improved compatibility and stability with the latest WordPress versions to boost performance. We strongly recommend updating as soon as possible: simply re-download the updated theme, manually upload it via the theme upload section, then deactivate and delete your existing ACF plugin. After that, a prompt will appear under required theme plugins—install and activate the new ACF version from there, and you’ll be all set.

Theme Update Version 1.0.8

We are pleased to announce a critical update to enhance theme stability and security:

• Plugin Updates: All necessary plugins have been updated to their latest versions, including:

-Advanced Custom Fields (now at version 6.3.6) -Classic Editor -Classic Widgets -Contact Form 7 -Duplicate Menu -Duplicate Page -And all other essential plugins for optimal theme functionality

To maintain security, we advise all users to download the updated theme package and manually install the latest plugin versions from the "inc/plugins/" directory. Please ensure your PHP version is 8.0 or above when updating plugins to avoid compatibility issues.

This update strengthens security and ensures optimal performance, keeping your theme up-to-date and fully compatible.


Advanced Custom Field Framework Plugin Upgraded, updated - Important critical update. It needs to be reinstalled. When updating plugins, make sure your PHP versions are 8.0 and above.


Woocommerce 8.1.1 plugin has been updated. The checkout page has also been updated.


Advanced Custom Field Plugin 6.1.8 Upgraded, updated - Important critical update. It must be reinstalled. Classic Editor Plugin 1.6.3 Upgraded, updated Contact Form Plugin 7 5.8 Upgraded, updated Duplicate Page Plugin 4.5.2 Upgraded, updated One Click Demo Import Plugin 3.1.2 Upgraded, updated WordPress Importer Plugin 0.8.1 Upgraded, updated WP Options Importer Plugin 7.0 Upgraded, updated Duplicate Menu Plugin 0.2.2 Upgraded, updated Make sure your php versions are 8.0 and above when updating plugins.

1.0.4 Important critical improvements, Added new internal pages. Other issues fixed. Added new sass codes. Added special js code to hamburger menu. Thus, when clicking on the hamburger menu in all responsive sizes, the x sign will appear and when clicked, it will close. We did this for a custom look. When you click this area, the contact information appears in the side widget area on the desktop. The hamburger in the mobile menu comes from this area in the menu.


Added critical update.

Theme settings custom meta fields have been updated. The json file has been updated. Carousels have been updated. All plugins have been updated. Icon codes have been updated. Updated web effects. Acf tabs updated. Updated sass and custom css files.


critical update,

All plugins have been updated. Footer field has been updated. Images have been optimized. Code density has been increased. Special loader areas and button areas have been added to the administration panel. Added custom seo meta fields to theme settings.


All plugins have been updated.

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Customer Support

4,6 /5
Support rating (304 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 266 4 5 3 4 2 2 1 27
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

WooCommerce Compatibility:

Compatible with: Compatibility:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: